Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ahhhhh, Technology. . .

First, let me start by saying that I am no expert when it comes to using technology.  I have always been kind of a technology buff, but it is just because it fascinates me! Seriously, technology is amazing!!!  It is constantly changing and it just seems like there is no limit to the possibilities.  I find that very exciting.

Second, I should probably let you know why I started this blog.  I decided that I have already learned so much on my 1:1 iPad journey in my classroom that maybe, just maybe, it would be beneficial to someone else out there in their own classroom. 

I don't have any type of schooling in technology (just the school of hard knocks and trial and error), but I am still willing to share the little bit that I do know.  Also, I think this blog will be a great way for me to see how much I can learn and grow as I use technology in my own classroom.  It's always great to reflect and learn, right?

Let the journey begin!

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